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2009年3月18日 星期三


2/26 ~ 常見英文棒針用語(持續補充中) Common English Knitting Terms (continuously updated)
分類:編織分享 Sharing Resources
2009/02/26 07:09上回的【教學】如何看英文棒針織圖-初級篇介紹了基本英文讀法,相信各位織女們都多了些概念,也希望大家會更願意嘗試多采多姿的英文織法囉!
After demonstrating the fundamental principles for reading English knitting patterns in【Lesson】How to Read an English Knitting Pattern-Beginner,I hope that everyone has gained greater familiarity with English patterns,and is also more willing to try out new patterns!
在此媽咪整理了一些英文織圖中較常出現的縮寫與名詞,供大家參考。很多前輩也整理過類似的文章, 媽咪的未必會更詳細或更精準,
In this article I have compiled some of the more common abbreviations and knitting terms for reference.
Many expert knitters in Taiwan have already done something similar,
and my compilation is not necessarily more detailed or more accurate,
but is purely for convenience in cross-referencing with my other teaching articles.
When there is time I will continue adding other common English knitting terms and techniques to this table.
而是不同的名字而已啦~ (當然特殊或新的織法是一定會有額外的說明的唷~ )
As a reminder, given that there are so many countries and regions knitting around the world,
the English knitting terminology is not always uniform for everyone,
and sometimes the same word even means different things in different patterns.
When you try out a new pattern,
remember to always FIRST refer to the glossary or list of abbreviations provided by the pattern (or book)!
Sometimes an unfamiliar term is not necessarily a new technique,
just a different name!
(Naturally special or new techniques will always warrant extra explanatory space~)
Actually I am still relatively new to knitting,
and if there is any mistake in the translations and explanations provided below,
please do do DO let me know!!
If you wish to cite this article, please cite the whole article and name the author!)
Abbreviations 縮寫表
alt = alternate 每隔一段
applied I-cord 直接與織片連接的包邊編織
Approx = approximate(ly) 大約
backwards knitting 反方向編織
before 之前
beg = begin 開始
block 整燙
BO = bind off 收針
cable 麻花
cable cast-on 麻花式起針法(也常用於直接製作鈕扣孔,完成的邊邊很美,建議右手可換鉤針進行)
cast off 收針
CC = contrasting color 對比色
circular cast-on 環狀起針法(也稱為 Emily Ocker's cast-on,常用於圓形蕾絲披肩起針,此影片示範兩種環狀起針方式)
cm = centimeter 公分
cn = cable needle 麻花針
CO = cast on 起針
Cont = continue 繼續
continental cast-on 一般起針法(又稱為 double cast-on 或 long-tail cast-on)
dec = decrease 減針
double cast-on 一般起針法(又稱為 continental cast-on 或 long-tail cast-on)
double seed stitch 桂花針(每兩段上下針替換,美式說法;英式稱為 moss stitch)
dpn = double-pointed needles 雙頭棒針
drop stitch 放掉一針(也就是我們常常不小心作的「掉針」啦)
Emily Ocker's cast-on 環狀起針法(也稱為 circular cast-on,常用於圓形蕾絲披肩起針,此影片示範兩種環狀起針方式)

end 結尾;一段的一端
ends 一段的兩端
entrelac 格狀編織
EOR = every other row 每隔一段
facing 面向(例如:right side facing 織片正面朝向編織者)
foll = follow(ing) 以下
‘ = foot (feet) 英尺
g = gram(s) 公克
garter stitch 起伏針
gauge 密度
Glossary 術語表
I-cord 包邊編織(可用於緣編、鈕扣孔、製作編織繩等等)
I-cord, applied 直接與織片連接的包邊編織
inc = increase 加針“
= inch(es) 英吋
k = knit 下針
k1-b = knit one stitch in back loop 扭下針
k1f&b = knit 1 front and back 在同一針織下針與扭針(一種加針方式)
k2tog = knit two stitches together 左下二併針(日符號:「人」)
Kitchener stitch 全下針的段對段縫合
knitted cast on 加針起針法(又稱為 knitting on)
kw = knitwise 下針方向
lb = pound(s) 磅
LH = left hand 左手
long-tail cast-on 一般起針法(又稱為 continental cast-on 或 double cast-on)
lp(s) = loop(s) 圈圈
m = meter(s) 公尺
M1 = make 1 stitch 加一針(從下方挑針的方式,可分從右側左側
MC = main color 主色
moebius cast-on (Cat Bordhi style) 梅式翻轉起針法
(Cat Bordhi 方式,常見於翻轉披肩起針)
mm = millimeter(s) 公釐
moss stitch 桂花針(英式與美式略有不同:英式為每段上下針替換,美式為每兩段上下針替換,英式moss stitch 在美式織圖中稱為 seed stitch)
no stitch = skip to next square on chart 無針,直接跳到織圖的下一格
oz = ounce(s) 盎司
p = purl 上針
patt = pattern 花樣,模樣編
p2sso = pass 2 slipped stitches over together 將兩滑針套過左側針
p2tog = purl two stitches together 左上二併針(日符號:「人-」)
p3tog = purl three stitches together 左上三
併針picot 凸編
plain stitch 平針
pm = place marker 放記號圈
provisional cast on 別線起針
psso = pass slipped stitch over 將滑針套過左側針
PU = pick up and knit 挑針繼續織
pw = purlwise 上針方向
rem = remaining 剩餘的
rep(s) = repeat(s) 重複
RH = right hand 右手
rib stitch 鬆緊編
row 段
rnd(s) = round(s) 輪
rv ST st = reverse stockinette stitch 全上針的平針
RS = right side 右邊
s2kp = sl 2-k1-p2sso = slip two stitches as if to k2-tog, knit the next stitch, pass the two slipped stitches together over the knit stitch (centralized double decrease) 中下三併針(以下針方向一起滑兩針、織一下針、將兩滑針一起套過下針)
seed stitch 桂花針(每段上下針替換,美式說法)
short row(s) 引返編
skp = sl 1-k1-psso = slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over knit stitch (left slanting decrease) (similar to ssk) 右下二併針(滑一針、織一下針、將滑針套過下針)(日符號:「入」,與 ssk 織法稍微不同但效果類似)
Sk2p = sl 1-k2 tog-psso = slip one stitch, knit next two stitches together, pass slipped stitch over the k2-tog stitch (double decrease) 右下三併針(滑一針、織左下二併針、將滑針套過併針)simple cast-on 簡易式起針法(影片介紹兩種方向)
sl = sl st = slip stitch/es from left needle to right needle without working, the yarn may be held either in front or back of the slipped stitch. 滑針(掛針可能在織片前方或在後方,詳細說明參考各類滑針
slip marker 將記號圈滑到另一棒針
sp2p = sl 1 knitwise, p2tog, psso = slip 1 knitwise, purl 2 together, pass slipped stitch over purled stitch 以下針方向滑一針、織左上二併針、將滑針套過併針
ssk = slip, slip, knit = slip two stitches knitwise, one at a time, then insert left-hand needle point into the fronts of these two stitches, and knit them together (left slanting decrease) (similar to skp) 右下二併針(以下針方向分別滑兩針、將左棒針穿過兩滑針前方,織成一個下針)(日符號:「入」,與 skp 織法稍微不同但效果類似)
ssp = slip, slip, purl 右上二併針
st(s) = stitch(es) 針
St st = stockinette stitch (all knit) 平針(正面全下針)
tbl = through back loop 從針目後方穿入棒針(通常有扭針的效果)
tension 密度
tog = together 一起
tubular cast-on 柱狀起針法(也可當鬆緊編起針)
twisted German cast-on 德式扭轉起針法(起針較有彈性,也適用於鬆緊編起針)
waste yarn 別線(直譯為「廢線」)
work even 以同花樣繼續織,不另外加減針
WS = wrong side 反面
WT = wrap and turn 將掛線繞過針腳,然後翻面(引返編的一個步驟)
wyib = with yarn in back 掛線在織片後方
wyif = with yarn in front 掛線在織片前方
yd = yard(s) 碼
yf = yarn forward 將掛線放在織片前方

11/23 ~ 【教學】如何看英文棒針織圖-初級篇 【Lesson】How to Read an English Knitting Pattern-Beginner
分類:編織分享 Sharing Resources
2008/11/23 13:21想寫一個關於英文織圖的教學篇粉久粉久了, 但是一直有點忙而遲遲未動手(就是懶還牽拖 ),今天起得早又有點頭緒,趁還記得的時候趕快來辦這件事情!
I've been intending to write an article on "reading English knitting patterns" for a LONG LONG time,but have always been busy with something or other (just admit you are lazy!).Since I got up somewhat too early today and have some inspiration on the subject,better write it up while I still remember!
相信很多織女們都很希望能夠獨立閱讀外文織圖, 畢竟不同國家有不同的作品風格,日系的織久了想偶爾織織美系的,美系的織久了想偶爾織織歐系的! 而且不同國家的編織手法也常常有點不同,織女們可以學到很多東西!但是........ 啊~就看不懂歐美那種敘述性的織圖咩!
I'm sure many fellow knitters would love to be able to read English patterns independently,because different countries have different styles;after knitting Japanese patterns for so long,we occasionally want to try our hands at American patterns,and after some American patterns we also want to check out European patterns!Different countries also have different knitting methods,and one can often learn many new techniques.However...... what happens if we can't read those English & European descriptive-style patterns???
這次的教學篇將藉由下面這款【Lace Spiral Scarf】的織圖,
首先感謝很棒很棒的原書【101 Designer One-Skein Wonders】,
還有這款作品的原作者 Gail Owens,
媽咪本身有買這本書,所以本教學篇純粹屬教學性質,也請大家尊重版權不可翻拍相片作其他用途喔! (呃... 當然可以織作品啦! 若要引用請引用完整文章,並注明出處喔!)
This particular lesson hopes to teach the basic skills for reading an English pattern,through the following pattern for the "Lace Spiral Scarf".First of all I thank the original designer Gail Owens for the pattern,which comes from the excellent book "101 Designer One-Skein Wonders".I have this book in my personal library,so this lesson is for educational purposes only,and I remind everyone to also respect the copyright of the author,and do not copy the photos for other purposes! (Umm... of course you may KNIT the pattern!If you wish to cite this article, please cite the whole article and name the author!)
媽咪先說喔:希望大家真的能夠詳細閱讀媽咪針對「如何看英文織圖」的說明, 而不僅是把織圖的翻譯打包帶走,教學篇的用意是希望大家能夠學到日後獨立閱讀英文織圖的技巧,
而不僅是織這條圍巾喔! (所以媽咪不會完整的翻譯出來,還是希望大家拿出眼鏡仔細的對照一下媽咪的說明和原織圖喔! )
First of all I will show you the layout of the pattern,so that you will be familiar with what an English pattern basically looks like.Let me reiterate: I hope that everyone will really read carefully my explanations below about "how to read an English pattern",rather than simply copying down the translation;the purpose of this lesson is to help everyone LEARN the skills for independently reading English patterns,and not just to knit this scarf!(So I will not provide a full translation of the pattern,because I would like everyone to take out your glasses,and cross-reference my explanations with the original pattern!)
若是有人對於媽咪的說明有任何問題,也很歡迎大家提出來,媽咪再盡量補強讓大家看到懂! 因為是針對中文讀者的教學篇,以下媽咪就不再做中英對照囉~
If anyone has any questions about my explanations,I also welcome your comments and questions,and I will do my best to make sure everyone understands everything I write!As this is a lesson geared towards Chinese readers,I will not be providing the English translation for the following contents.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
好了,碎碎念真多,言歸正傳! 織圖最上方當然就是作品的名稱啦,
「Lace Spiral Scarf」蕾絲螺旋圍巾~ (美捏~~~~ )
設計師 "designer" 是 Gail Owens,作品相片在前面第15頁。
但是認真的織女們可以把字典搬出來查自己有興趣的重點字,例如 lace、mohair 啦!
Measurements 尺寸
Yarn 作者使用的毛線(粉細的毛海線)
Needles 棒針尺寸(4mm)
Gauge 密度 (garter stitch 就是起伏針 )
Other Supplies 其他工具(tapestry needle 就是縫針啦~連這個也寫出來! )
Abbreviations 織圖內用到的縮寫及代表的織法
因為................ 怎麼沒有圖啊???? 織圖織圖..... 圖在哪裡???? 有些歐美織圖會附上小小的主花樣織圖,但是絕大部份只會給妳一個小小版型(schematic),
剩下的還是請大家看敘述文字~ 大家不要灰心,這也是歐美織圖其實容易的地方喔!
有縮寫,總比看一大堆正式英文來的好吧? 只要大家這次把縮寫的概念學起來,不就萬事ok,英文織圖從此搞定了嗎? 我們把書翻到後面的第244頁,是滴,不僅織圖本身有列出這次要使用到的縮寫,後面也另外把書中所有用到的縮寫跟代表的織法都列出來囉!
縮寫表的後面,還有好幾頁的文字和圖案說明(媽咪就不拍照啦),會把設計圖內特別使用的編織技巧畫出來滴! 幾乎所有的歐美編織書都會有另外的頁數處理縮寫和特殊技巧的說明,因為雖然大部分的縮寫都有編織界的統一用法,
偶而有些作者還是會有自己的想法(創作者的自由咩! ),所以還是列出來比較安全! (家裡已經有英文編織書的織女們,這時就可以先去翻翻看、熟悉一下喔! )
Row 1、Row 2、Row 3 等等就是第一段、第二段、第三段等等的織法敘述。
Cast on 10 stitches ﹦起10針"
Cast on"這個名詞就是「起針」,
也常常看到編織書上以「CO 10」這個縮寫來代表「起10針」。
她說:在括號[ ] 裡的針數是蕾絲緣編 (lace edging) 的部份。這點真的要注意一下,
因為大部分的織圖中如果出現 [XOXO] 或括弧的 (XOXO),通常是作者要大家把括號裡的針法重複喔!
例如:(XOXO) 4 times = (XOXO) 重複四次。
我們來看 Row 1 第一段的織法:
[K1, yo twice, K1], K7, WT.每個針法的縮寫都用逗點分開,媽咪在此把每個針法的縮寫和意義都列出來:
K1 = knit 1 = 一個下針
yo = yarn over = 空針
twice = 這個不是縮寫啦 = 兩次
K7 = 七個下針
WT = wrap and turn = 將掛線繞過針腳,然後翻面(也就是引返編 = 歐美稱這段為 short row)其實媽咪個人也覺得看文字型織圖沒有看大圖方便,
第一段就是(粉紅是蕾絲編的部份、o 是引返編): O O o這裡請大家先來做一下簡單的算術, 一開始起了10針,然後兩空針就等於加了兩針,所以是12針沒錯喔~
英文織圖中常常會在一個段落後出現例如(12 stitches)的字眼,方便大家自己算一下有沒有跟上正確的針數。
Slip 1, K7, [K2, P1, K1]這裡增加了兩個新名詞:
slip 1 = 一個滑針
P1 = purl 1 = 一個上針
所以第二段轉換成圖形就是:V - 上一段的最後一針是引返編,
所以這一段的第一針通常就要是滑針囉~ (引返編的做法請大家研究一下自己的中文編織書或另外提問,媽咪就不在這裡解說了~ )再算一下總針數:一共是12針沒錯喔~ (英文滑針很多種,有興趣的織女請看媽咪的另一篇文章「英文的各類滑針」)第三段大家應該就沒問題了,
[K4], K6, WT 轉換成圖形應該是: o大家有沒有猜對了啊?
做了「WT 繞線與翻面」後這裡只剩11針,
slip 1, K6, [K2tog twice, loosely]
K2tog = knit 2 together = 把兩針併成一個下針
loosely = 鬆鬆的(就是叫大家蕾絲編不要拉太緊啦~呵呵)
所以第四段轉換成圖型就是:V 人人 (人人是兩個併針啦,感謝嘉莉提醒!~ )
目前為止大家都還看得懂嗎? 那就請大家來練習看看,把剩下的主花樣段數(共16段)自己轉換成織圖喔! 織完第16段後,作者說:重複第1~16段,直到織片的長度到達64英吋(163公分)或想要的長度。
【Finishing 收尾】的階段囉!
「Bind off」就是「收針」,
常用的縮寫是「BO 」。
這條圍巾的收尾很簡單,直接就 「weave in ends 藏線頭」就好啦~
因為英文織圖很有可能畫的是正面和反面!!!! 也就是:織圖很有可能一段畫的是正面的織法,從右往左織,
但下一段畫的卻是反面的織法,從左往右織! 聽來複雜,但其實只要大家知道這個現象後就沒有問題了~
這次的教學篇先教大家認識基本的英文織圖,希望大家不會覺得太困難。 其他還有一些英文織圖上常見的辭彙和做法,媽咪再陸陸續續整理出來跟大家分享, 希望熱愛編織的大家都能繼續發揮學習的精神,讓台灣的編織更上一層樓喔!
另外跟大家分享一下媽咪個人購買英文編織書的做法。 通常媽咪都是去逛美國Amazon,因為書的種類很齊,而且Amazon 每本書都有標示幾顆幾顆星, 代表著買過或讀過的讀者的評價與看法,媽咪下單之前也會很仔細的讀過讀者留的評語,看看為什麼大家喜歡這本書、為什麼不喜歡,這樣比較不容易買到「恐龍書」~ Amazon 可收台灣的信用卡,大部分的書價通常可以打到原價的七折左右。除了書價本身以外,Amazon 會另外收運費,到台灣的運費計算如下:每本書另加 US$4.99,每筆訂單再另加 US$4.99,也就是妳若買了三本書,運費要另加US$19.96。若是一次累積購買多本書的話,總金額應該會比在台灣書店購買來的划算。根據媽咪的經驗,Amazon 有庫存的書通常10天左右可到台灣, 沒有庫存的,有時候他們會主動分批寄送,有貨就先寄,不會另外增加運費,而且信用卡只會先刷已寄送部份的書價。 還沒寄出的書,要取消訂單或合併訂單都可以。台灣買家還有很多其他網購方式,不過這些媽咪就比較不熟了,相信有其他更會買東西的達人可以分享相關經驗! ***************

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